洋書 Song of Teshuvah: A commentary on Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kooks Oros HaTeshuvah (3) 9789655241617 收藏
一口价: 2140 (合 109.78 人民币)
开始时间:02/23/2025 23:29:47
个 数:1
结束时间:02/24/2025 12:29:47
Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen Kook’s seminal work on repentance, Oros HaTeshuvah, is recognized as a classic of Jewish thought but has, because of its difficult language and its theological depth, remained inaccessible to many. This book presents readers with the original Hebrew text of Oros HaTeshuvah with a new translation into English, as well as expert commentary in English from Rabbi Moshe Weinberger. Weinberger draws on his extensive knowledge of Jewish philosophical and inspirational literature to provide profound, moving, and fresh insights into the text, richly explicating the ideas in Oros HaTeshuvah in an accessible and clear but not superficial manner. Readers will come away with a firm grasp on the profound truth at the heart of Kook’s classic work: that teshuvah—repentance—is not a somber process of self-deprivation but a joyful journey back to God and to the core of each individual. This volume covers chapters 11 through 13 of Oros HaTeshuvah. 9789655241617 商品状態ですが表紙に写真にアップしたような破れがあります。 その他 キズ 折れもあります。 最終ページに写真にアップしたような黒ずみがあります。 また小口に軽い汚れがあります。 それ以外は状態良好です。 |
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