1976年 ユニバーサル許諾品、プラスチック製のバイオニック ジェミーのバンク(貯金箱)高さ26センチ、N.Y.のアニマルプラス社製。
台座の直径は10センチ弱、時の経過で底のビニールの蓋は有りません。 日本でも当時放映されました。主演はリンゼイ ワグナーです。
In1976s, licensed by Universal. Plastic Bionic Jemmy Bank. Height 26 cm.
Animal Plastic Inc. of N.Y. made. The base diameter is less than 10 cm.
The flap of base had lost due to it's age.
It was broadcasted in Japan back then. Starring Ms. Linsey Wager.
It is as shown due to old.
This was bought in the states long time ago, must be no existing in Japan.
When you place in the shelf or glass case, it bring nostalgic mood of old TV or movies.
Price is including shipping cost.
This is a USED ones
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