横19cm 縦23cm 程度。木製の板に「般若心経」The Heart Sutura が書かれてコーテイングされています。
これはN.Y.在住の中国の某人が1991年 「般若心経」を写生した書(calligraphy)を縮小して作成された物。
作者がカナダの会社(Den Craft Sales Ltd.)にこの壁掛けの作成を少数依頼し、カナダの会社が中国で加工された板を使用したもの。
そして親しい知人達に進呈したもの。 市場で売られた物では有りません。
色即是空 空即是色 What is form that is emptiness. What is emptiness that is form. (鈴木大拙 訳)The Heart Sutra is "the single most commonly recited, copied, and studied scripture in East Asian Buddhism.
Schopenhauer, in the final words of his main work, compared his doctrine to the nyat of the Heart Stra. Schopenhauer wrote: "...to those in whom the will [to continue living] has turned and has denied itself,
this very real world of ours, with all its suns and Milky Ways, is — nothing." To this, he appended the following note: "This is also the PrajnaParamita of the Buddhists, the 'beyond all knowledge,' in other words, the point where subject and object no longer exist."
*From Oct. 1st. of 2024, Postage charges will increase.
In accordance with above, our present asking price will be going up.
(2024年 11月 11日 7時 28分 追加)This calligraphy of The Heart Sutra was written by a certain Chinese N.Y. resident in 1991.
It deminished size and printed in the wooden plaque.
Author made order for Canadian company Den Craft Sales Ltd. to produe in small number.
And then, this was distributed to intimate friends. Not for sale in the market.