【 バディ・ホリー - The Music Never Died A Rock & Roll Revelation - Buddy Holly 】

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【 バディ・ホリー - The Music Never Died A Rock & Roll Revelation - Buddy Holly 】

1 My Two-Timin' Woman (1949, first appearance in unedited form) 
2. Footprints In The Snow (1952, Direct from original Acetate) 
3. Take These Shackles From My Heart (1952, Direct from original acetate.) 
4. I Heard The Lord Calling For Me, 
5. I Saw The Moon Cry For Me Last Night
(Jack Neal w/Buddy Holly on Guitar,1952.Previously unreleased remastered tapes.)
6. You And I Are Through (1955, Direct from original acetate) 
7. Down The Line (1955, halternate take without drums.) 
8. I'm Changing All Those Changes (1956, Unreleased Alt. Take, Fragment)
9. Gone (1956, Raw Track without overdubs) 
10. Have You Ever Been Lonely (1956, Unreleased Alternate Take) 
11. Gone, 
12. Go Boy, Go (1956, Gary Tollet w/Buddy Holly on Guitar, Alternate Takes, previously unreleased) 
13. “The Phone Call” 
(Buddy Holly and Paul Cohen, President of Decca Records, February 1957. Previously Unheard.) 
14. A Whole Lot Of Lovin' 
(1957, Jim Robinson w/Buddy Holly on Guitar, Alternate Take previously unheard.) 
15., 16., & 17. Three Spoken-Word Promotional Spots 
and radio jingle for Bill Randall in Cleveland. Recorded June 30, 1957. 
18. Broken Promises, 
19. Humble Heart 
(July 26, 1957, Sherry Davis w/Buddy Holly on Guitar. Extremely rare single featuring Holly.) 
20-23. Spoken word promotional spots for Don Passerby (Unique custom set of RECs that were done backstage at Montreal concert on Sept. 14, 1957 for Passerby of 1230 Cornwall Radio. Previously unreleased.)
24. Spoken Word Promotional Spot for Red Robinson. 
(Likely recorded on October 23, 1957 during interview backstage in Vancouver. Rumored to exist and 
thus previously unreleased...until now.)
25. One Faded Rose 
(1957, Charlie Phillips w/Buddy Holly on Guitar and Vocal Harmony. Country tinged Alternate Take 
previously unreleased.)
26. Sugartime (1957, Charlie Phillips w/Buddy Holly on Guitar. Alternate Take, previously unreleased.)
27. The Wreck Of Old Ninety-Seven, 
28. Scarlet Ribbons (1957, Carolyn Hester w/Buddy Holly on Guitar. Though uncredited on the 
“Scarlet Ribbons” Album.) 
29. The Miami Florida Tapes 
(Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee Lewis, February 24, 1958. Bob Chesney REC of Holly & Lee singing 
“Everyday” and “I Love Her So”. The tape also includes a spoken-word promotional spot for 
WTRL Radio. Previously uncirculated and unreleased.)
30-35. When Sin Stops (Love Begins) 
(September 10, 1958. Waylon Jennings first REC session. This is the complete session tape in it's 
entirety, for the first time anywhere. Featuring Buddy Holly as Producer and Guitarist.)
36. More And More,
37. When You Are Lonely (1958, Waylon Jennings w/Buddy Holly on Guitar. Previously unreleased 
Acetate RECs in rough format.) 
38. Ronnie King interview with Buddy Holly 
(Recently discovered interview, in it's complete form, from Scranton, PA on October 16, 1958. 
This hasn't been heard since it's original airing on WGH Radio in 1958.) 
39-41. J.P “The Big Bopper” Richardson/Ritchie Valens/Buddy Holly: Spoken-Word Promotional Spots for
“The Winter Dance Party” 
(An amazing trio of rarities taken from their original acetate source, resulting in brilliant sound
Previously unreleased in this quality.)

DVD: (NTSC, 60 min) 
1. That'll Be The Day
(Hand-held camera footage/fragment of “The High Time Show” in Portland, Oregon on October 22, 1967) 
2. Oh, Boy! (Band performance on The Ed Sullivan Show, January 26, 1957) 
3. The Complete Ed Sullivan Show, January 26, 1957, commercials and all

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