● OVEREADY Moddoolar Wasp BRASS ●
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2 商品説明
① OVEREADY Moddoolar Wasp BRASS
② Air is such a poor conductor of heat that it is the basis for most insulation (which traps air). To get air to move heat, the air itself needs to move. The standard approach is to move air past the surface of the light (i.e., fins). But this means first conducting that heat from the center of the light out to the surface. By the time it even gets there, the system’s internal heat capacity is by definition already full. Keep adding heat and there isn’t much to be done from the outside.
In a sealed flashlight, the closest moving air can theoretically get to the LEDs is just underneath the shelf on which they sit. Moving air through the flashlight itself. This is of course impossible but long time Insiders will recall that impossible is what we live for. Presenting the worlds first open air flow flashlight. Even parked on a table, air flows through the head, starting to move heat away from the source almost as soon as its generated. And moving about in your hand during use, things get even better.
③ オープンエアーフローなヘッドなので、素晴らしい造形です。
④ BRASSベゼルリングにBRASS-TRIADテールキャップを組んだレアパーツ搭載のライトです。この組み合わせのライトは組むのに大変だと思います。
⑤ 貴重なパーツで構成されたライトです。神経質な方の入札はご遠慮願います。ノークレーム・ノーリターンです。